After the March, Students Look to Next Steps

After tens of thousands of marchers packed the Boston Common for Saturday's "March for Our Lives," student activists are looking ahead with new resolve.

"If our representatives didn't hear us, I would be concerned for their hearing, because we were loud - and we will continue to be loud," said organizer Charlotte Lowell.

Organizers of the Boston march are vowing to do something with Saturday's momentum. Public outcry over gun violence has swelled since 17 students and teachers were killed in Parkland, Florida last month.

"I think the first step is to take it right to the polls," said Lowell. "The 2018 midterms are coming up, and a lot of us are going to turn 18 and we are going to vote out those who believe guns are more important than children's lives."

Rally organizer Jack Torres added, "No matter how many people say they are in support of us, if they haven't taken real action, they are not in support of us."

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