
Rhode Island Lawmaker Calls Parkland Shooting Survivor ‘Dummy'

Rhode Island State Representative Michael Chippendale's tweet to a survivor of the Parkland High School shooting is getting national attention, according to WJAR-TV.

Chippendale tweeted survivor Emma Gonzalaz after she posted a tweet against arming teachers with guns, reports WJAR-TV.

Her post referenced Sunday morning's Waffle House shooting, where a man shot and killed four people in Tennessee, as a reason why there should be no weapons in schools.

Gonzalez wrote, "Looks like you don't need to arm a teacher-- or a resource officer-- to stop a shooting."

Chippendale responded just after 7 a.m. on Monday, tweeting, "But if he DID have a gun- the police still wouldn't be searching for the gunman, and the entire region wouldn't be on lockdown...dummy."

The tweet was later deleted from his account, according to WJAR-TV.

Gonzalez drew national attention last month when her speech at the March For Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. went viral.

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