Weather February 18, 2024 11:39 pm

Pleasant winter days and warmer temperatures ahead

Monday starts dry, blustery, and cold from a low pressure north of New England. Once the low pressure moves east by Monday mid-morning, a wind shift will bring lighter northwest wind. The beginning and middle of the week will be quiet as high pressure takes control. Tuesday and Wednesday will feature lighter winds and sunshine. Both days look like pleasant winter days, highs in the mid-30s to low 40s. Tuesday morning will likely be a bit brisk with lows in the upper teens and low 20s. The end of the week will feature warmer temperatures as a system approaches that will end the quiet stretch. Rain is likely on Friday, potentially entering as early as Thursday evening. Right now, it is looking like precipitation will generally be rain but could begin as a brief wintry mix late Thursday to Friday. The Berkshires and interior New England could see a longer-lasting wintry mix/snow along the higher elevations. 

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