‘Tragic Accident': Andreottola Twins Drown in Pool

(NECN: Tom Langford, Lynnfield, Mass.) - Twin toddler girls drowned in a Lynnfield pool on Saturday, the result of what authorities are deeming a "tragic accident."

The victims, Veronica and Angelina Andreottola, were two-and-a-half years old. The accident occurred at their home on Stagecoach Road in Lynnfield Saturday morning.

Lynnfield police responded at 10:20 a.m. to a 911 call requesting assistance for two children who had fallen into the pool. Lynnfield firefighters administered CPR to the victims, who were transported to Union Hospital and pronounced dead.

The twin girls' mother, Crystal Andreottola, was home at the time of the drowning -- police are not sure if she was inside or outside when the girls somehow got in the pool. Their father Anthony was not home.

"At this point it appears it's a tragic accident," Sgt. Sean Donovan said. "There were parents home, there were people home. And again, somehow, someway, they fell into the pool."

The pool was partially covered at the time by an electric-powered retractable cover. It is unclear how it ended up that way. The girls could have somehow opened it, or it could have been left that way. Police intend to look at surveillance footage as part of their investigation.

But, actually looking at that video may be tough to stomach.

"We're as devastated as anyone else. We have councilors coming in for the fire department," Police Chief Joseph Dunn said. "This is a difficult thing. For the department and the community."

He added that this is a reminder that even the safest of pools can be dangerous for small children.

"They had a pool cover, there were gates.  I think every effort was made to safeguard those children," Chief Dunn said. "It's a tragic, tragic accident."

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