Gabrielle Giffords Announces New Initiative to Curb Gun Violence

(NECN/NBC News: Danielle Leigh) - The toll of bells marked the lives lost two years ago Tuesday in the Tucson shooting that severely wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

Six were killed in the shooting, and several others injured.

Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, are marking the anniversary by launching "Americans for Responsible Solutions" to stop gun violence.

Thousands are rallying behind the new campaign, including Patricia Maisch, who helped stop the Tucson shooter.

"If this doesn't change it - what will? We are going to fight the good fight," Maisch says.

In a USA Today opinion piece Giffords and Kelly say they hope to raise enough money to rival the National Rifle Association, writing "legislators will no longer have reason to fear the gun lobby."

In response to the Newtown school massacre, Vice President Joe Biden is heading a task force to consider new gun laws.

He'll meet with key players in the gun debate this week, including the National Rifle Association.

Colin Goddard with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence will also meet with Biden.

"We really need to look at how easy it is for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun," Goddard says.

Gun rights advocates are pushing back.

"It's a delusion to believe in this utopia where legislation, any law, can fix all problems," argues Gun Appreciation Day chairman Larry Ward.

Ward is planning a Gun Appreciation Day for Jan. 19.

He hopes it will stunt any attempts at stricter legislation.

President Obama has already called on Congress to consider reinstating a ban on assault weapons, close loopholes to background checks for gun buyers, restrict high-capacity magazines and improve mental health coverage.

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