After first being created in 1936, Oscar Mayer's iconic hot dog-shaped vehicle long known as the "Wienermobile" will be undergoing its first-ever name change, the company announced.
The hot dog on wheels will now be known as the "Frankmobile", paying homage to the 100% beef franks as a new recipe is debuted this summer.
While the name may have changed for the conspicuous vehicles, the appearance has not been altered much.
New exterior decals and the "Frank whistles" to replace the old "Wiener whistles" are the most notable visible differences, with a new promotion perhaps attracting the eye of those with a certain name.
The fleet of six new vehicles will be participating in the "Frank for Franks" promotion, allowing anyone named "Frank" to stop by and grab a coupon for a free pack of Oscar Mayer 100% beef franks.
Those who are interesting in tracking the Frankmobiles as they travel the roads of the country can find more information here.