Ask Jennifer: Tax, Investment Advice

(NECN) - Certified Financial Planner Jennifer Lane from Compass Planning joins NECN to answer viewer questions.

Dan in Littleton:
I have a tax question that I cannot seem to get a good answer on. Actually, I get answers but depending on who I speak to I get different answers. How can I find an expert?

Janice in Hopkinton:
My daughter is 28. She and her fianc work full time and live in a rented condo. The only debt they have are school loans. They're trying to save for a house and also put money away for retirement. Should all of their money be put into a Roth account which would allow them to withdraw the principal amount for a home purchase? Or would an investment account, with a conservative balanced fund be better?

Jack in Westboro:
My wife and I just got married last June and we're now happily expecting our first child. What are the top 5 financial planning things we should be working on right now?

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