(NECN: Julie Loncich, Avon, Mass.) - A Mass. man has been arrested for what police say was either his eighth drunk driving offense.
"We were lost and we ran out of gas out of no where. In the middle of no where," Joseph Doyle said.
It was 8 p.m. this past Thursday when Doyle, a passenger in a Ford pickup driven by 65-year-old William Doten of Brockton, Mass., called for help.The two were stranded along West Main Street in Avon.
"We're in the middle of the stinking road and I have no where to go. What do we do?" Doyle said in his 911 call to Avon Police.
"More or less they were just looking for some help," Avon Police Sgt. John Buker said.
Sgt. Buker responded to that call, and says both Doten and Doyle were intoxicated. Doten was arrested right then and there. It is his eighth arrest for driving under the influence and what's more is that, according to police, he's not supposed to be driving at all, because his license has been revoked for life.
Although he was the one who originally placed that 911 call, Doyle himself seems conflicted.
"He's a good guy," Doyle said, agreeing that he wants to see Doten get some help.
"Im sure it's frustrating to corrections, it's frustrating for the courts, it's frustrating for the police and it's certainly frustrating for anybody who's been victimized by it, but where's the answer?" Sgt. Buker said.