Yale Investigated for Sexual Misconduct

(NECN: Brian Burnell, New Haven, Conn.) - Does Yale University's picturesque New Haven, Connecticut campus mask hostile environment toward women?  16 students and alumni have filed a complaint with the US Department of Education saying it does.  Among other things they point to a campus demonstration by Delta Kappa Epsilon pledges last fall.  This is YouTube video of that with the most offensive phrase cut out.

"No means yes!  No means yes!"

Keri Rippy, Yale Junior: "I think Yale definitely responded to that adequately.  We still get emails about it and that was going on 6 months.  It was a long time ago.  They very much took that seriously."

There was also reference to a fraternity displaying a sign reading "We love Yale sluts" outside the women's center on campus.  

The feds will investigate all the allegations but some are more serious than others.  On one end of the spectrum fraternity pledges chanting 'no means yes.'  On the other allegations that sexual assault charges are not investigated seriously by the university.

Students we spoke with generally felt the environment on campus is fine.

David Messhim, Yale Senior: "I don't think its really a hostile environment here.  I think when something happens there's a big backlash against it but I don't think its necessarily a hostile environment."

But some see why there are questions.

Miles Grimshaw, Yale Sophomore: "I think the facts that they presented are true.  I've heard of them from friends and the reports that the school puts out and I can certainly see how people see it as a hostile environment.  I can also see how some don't see it as a hostile environment."

The university issued a statement saying they have not received the complaint yet and adding, "We will respond fully to the investigation, and cooperate with the Office of Civil Rights.  Yale takes extremely seriously all allegations of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, including allegations of a "hostile environment."

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