Republican Party

Sen. Collins Facing Pressure on GOP Tax Reform Plan

Senators could vote as soon as this week on the GOP tax reform plan and Maine Senator Susan Collins is still uncommitted. The moderate Republican has voiced concerns about the bill, including a provision to repeal the individual healthcare mandate. 

As she decides on her vote, Sen. Collins is getting pressure from home. Protesters gathered outside her Portland office Monday morning, asking Collins to vote against the plan. 

"It’s a really bad bill," said protester Margaret Wiley. 

Hours later, the head of the Small Business Administration visited Portland and held a roundtable with entrepreneurs, touting tax cuts for corporations. 

"Every one of the small businesses I’ve talked to respond that tax savings would be used to invest back into their businesses," said Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon. 

Senator Collins has said in addition to the healthcare provision, she has issues with the GOP’s plan to cut taxes for top income earners, and repeal the estate tax. During a tax reform panel alongside Ivanka Trump earlier this month, she said she supported cuts to corporate taxes. 

McMahon said one thing small businesses are asking for is certainty. 

"They need to know what to expect, so they can plan," she said. 

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