The Donald Sterling controversy is far from over, even after the NBA Commissioner's decision to banish him from the league for life.
While the majority of the focus surrounding the controversy has been on race, few have noticed another underlying issue, sexism.
Some feel Sterling's ex-girlfriend V. Stiviano set up the ex-Clippers own.
Donald Trump chimed in on the unfolding story, denouncing Stiviano on Fox News.
Trump summarized Sterling's problems saying, "He got set up by a very, very bad girlfriend, let's face it. She's called the girlfriend from hell. She was baiting him and she's a terrible human being."
Kelly Bates, Executive Director of the ELMA Lewis Center for Civic Engagement, Learning, and Research at Emerson College and Sue O'Connell, co-publisher of Bay Windows, joined Jim Braude on Broadside to tackle "girlfriend" questions and more.
It's apparent that sexism in this case has taken a backseat to racism. But does sexism deserve second tier status?
"It definitely deserves second tier status," said Bates.
Bates and O'Connell went on to react to the NAACP's willingness to award Sterling.
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