Charlie Baker's Poll Numbers Soften

Latest poll has Martha Coakley ranking ahead of Charlie Baker

When the Massachusetts House Speaker douses himself with ice water on the front steps of the State House, you know there has to be a good reason.

Bob DeLeo is just the latest of thousands to take part in the "Ice Bucket Challenge." It's a fundraiser to raise awareness for ALS research.

Transitioning to political standing, there was cold water in some poll numbers offered up today by the Boston Globe Friday.

It turns out the voting public is cool to the probation department trial. They're not in a mood to think any worse of politicians as a result.

On the other hand, voters still think Beacon Hill would be better off if it wasn't entirely controlled by one party.

Republican Charlie Baker isn't getting a boost. He fell a few points further behind Martha Coakley in the polls.

Senator Bob Hedlund and Councilman Tito Jackson joined Jim Braude on Broadside to discuss Baker's current standing and where he fits within the Republican Party’s gubernatorial candidates.

They reacted to the Globe's poll numbers regarding Massachusetts voters shrugging at the recent patronage trail. The panel also shared their thoughts on whether it’s best if the governor and state legislature are from the same or different parties.

The Market Basket crisis and ALS Ice Bucket Challenge mania are touched upon, among other key political topics.

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