Search Underway for 50-year-old Time Capsule in Medway

(NECN: John Moroney, Medway, Mass.) - The front lawn of Medway's Town Hall is now the site of an archeological quest, a dig designed to find a piece of history buried in 1963 to celebrate the town's 250th anniversary.

"They're probably going to find Jimmy Hoffa's body before we find the 250th time capsule," said Medway selectman Dennis Crowley.

Since there are no formal records, sonar equipment has been brought in to try and locate the 50-year-old capsule. But so far, nothing. Now 76, Mickey Rojee says he was at Town Hall in Medway on the night the pod was put in the ground.

"There must have been close to 1,000 people here on that Friday night. But this is all new, so I think maybe when they did it, they just bypassed the capsule," said Rojee said.

Medway was able to find the time capsule from the town's 275th birthday. The other one is thought to be buried beneath Town Hall and is too expensive to dig up.

A number of older people have come forward, saying the missing time pod is, indeed, buried in front of Town Hall so for now the search will go on.

"We think it's out there, very much close to the sidewalk. We actually had some people say they were working on the sidewalk 10 years ago and thought that they and run into it, so hopefully, we'll find it," said Medway selectman John Foresto.

They are planning to bury another time capsule to mark the town's 300th anniversary. But this time around, they plan to make a record of where it goes.

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